Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why I'm Wierder Than Usual at Christmas Time!

As for those of you who know me well, know that I am a little...what's the word....emotional, moved to tears easily, just plain crazy at times. Particularly at this time of year, I find myself weeping uncontrolable for the most benign reasons. Examples:

A few days ago, I tried to call Tiffany, I dialed the wrong number and the lady on the other end said..."You're just fine. Have a great day!"

Every moment I am home, I have to listen to one of those cheesy Christmas movies from the Hallmark Channel. I don't have time to sit and watch them, but I have to have them as background music to this crazy life of mine.

In my car, starting the day after Halloween, only Christmas music is played. I cry everytime I hear "Ava Maria" or "O Holy Night"

A genuine smile from a stranger or my father!

A grandchild running into my arms the moment we see each other.

Christmas lights on my house when there are no bulbs burned out!

Driving away from the Post Office after I have mailed my Christmas cards!!!!

The smell of Christmas trees when I walk into the Grocery Store!

Unexpected company from dear friends or our children!

Unplanned activites! ex: Dickens Christmas Festival with my granddaughters in St. George

Planned activities that were better than you could of imagined! ex: "The Forgotten Carols Christmas Concert" with Tiffany, Jessica and Kourtney

The FOOD!! What a treat to come home and find a plate of some yummy goodness for me to devour!

Participating in the Ward Choir at Christmas time. Even though I have no real musical talent to speak of....I just love being surrounded by people who do, and singing those beautiful words. Sometimes, I can't get through them.

Watching my children watching their children performing at their recitals.

Witnessing pure excitement and joy over a gift given from my family.
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Stephie said...

I know that you'll be shocked to learn this but I too cry easily and what may seem to someone else to be "nothing" but somehow it triggers something or moves me somehow to tears and yes especially around this time of year. Too many examples to list! I love it about you though!! xo

Mama Beus said...

I love this post! Sorry i am so slow to comment, I haven't been checking blogs lately! I love the Christmas season and was also a little more emotional than I usually am!