Thursday, September 11, 2008

Electronics! The bain of my existence!

For the past two weeks, my computer and printer have been in the shop! Tough thing for a photographer/grandma/mom/crazy person! So the posts I have been yearning to make have not occured due to the fact that the pictures on safely tucked away in my desktop. ( Anyway, I hope they are still there!!) Also, in service are my Central Vac System, my Camera, my Cell Phone! Just to name a few of the things I use on a slightly regular basis! Apologies to the September Birthdays especially! They are coming!

Maybe the Grey Hair should win!! or a new wig for Syndey Bristow!


As before mentioned, my hair has really taken a beating this summer! With my naturally dry, frizzy, course and generally unruly hair, working out in the yard everyday didn't help the situation. I went to Tara's yesterday to get a color job. She was out of the color we usually use, but she had purchased a new more expensive line with the same color code and name. She put the color on and then left for some errands leaving me with instructions on when to rinse, which I followed. I didn't even ever bother to look in the mirror until after I rinsed! And then a scream came from the bathroom mirror! IT WAS ME when I discovered my hair was the color of the cones on the streets!!! I called Tara and said, "Tara, I think we have a problem!" After two bleach jobs later, I am still pretty orange, but tolerable. What do you think, should I just let the grey hair win? It's definitly taking over!
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