Monday, October 19, 2009

Gary Harold Stout- my little brother!

Gary Harold Stout’s physical suffering which endured for many years ended Monday, October 12th, 2009 as he passed away suddenly in his sleep. His life will be remembered with passion for his wife Lena, his children, music, sense of humor and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Growing up in Glendale, California, Gary’s hands were always busy at work, creating space ships and buildings with his Erector sets, painting original modern art, playing the drums, playing the drums, and playing the drums! Did I mention he liked to play the drums? I think he could sit for hours and play and not notice the time pass. It was his little slice of heaven on earth. He, his brother, Michael and his friend, Chuck Jonkey formed a band in our garage in his early youth.
Gary attended Herbert Hoover High School in Glendale. After Graduation he served a successful mission to the Independence, Missouri Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints. He missed his family almost as much as he missed his drum set!
After attending BYU for a time, he, along with Michael and their friend Randy Graves formed a progressive rock band called Kalaban. They collectedly wrote several songs and sold many CDs.
Gary married Carin Schaeffer who became my cherished sister, and had two beautiful children, Stephanie Danielle and Christopher Thomas. They lived in the Taylorsville area for a time before dissolving their marriage.
Sometime later Gary married Pamela Haven, another dear sister. Pam brought to their union two darling little boys, Christopher Todd and Justin Adam. Gary loved them as his own! Pam and Gary had two more wonderful children, Andrew Nicholas and Jennifer Nicole. After their marriage broke up Gary spent some time in China. Gary has always had a deep abiding love and admiration for the people of China. Gary was introduced to his soul mate, a woman named Lena who had a 13-year old daughter, Ashling. They fell madly in love and were naturally sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. As soon as he could, Gary adopted Ashling and had her sealed to him as well. Gary and Lena felt that they were born for each other.
Gary was a no-nonsense, brilliant man who excelled at drafting and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM); which he used for his vocation. Gary was an inventor and a perfectionist who had no trouble dedicating enormously long hours for his various work projects. Gary has worked and lived in the Salt Lake, Bountiful and Farmington area his entire adult life. Unfortunately for Gary, his trials and health issues were right up there with Job from the Bible. He fought the good fight, but is now reunited with his loving mother Joan. I hope you a have golden drum set in heaven Gar!! I miss you!
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Gary !

Gary and me posing in our new clothes made by our mom!!
Gary and me in 1960! Also wearing outifts handmade by our mom. I remember she also made my dad a shirt to match Garys'.
Gary and Dennis shortly after Den and I were married at a Stout Family Reunion in Utah.
Elder Gary Stout at the Language Training Mission looking a little nervous as he leaves for his mission. I think I'm about two weeks pregnant here, (with Tiffany) but so excited that I am already wearing maternity clothes!
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