Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why I'm Wierder Than Usual at Christmas Time!

As for those of you who know me well, know that I am a little...what's the word....emotional, moved to tears easily, just plain crazy at times. Particularly at this time of year, I find myself weeping uncontrolable for the most benign reasons. Examples:

A few days ago, I tried to call Tiffany, I dialed the wrong number and the lady on the other end said..."You're just fine. Have a great day!"

Every moment I am home, I have to listen to one of those cheesy Christmas movies from the Hallmark Channel. I don't have time to sit and watch them, but I have to have them as background music to this crazy life of mine.

In my car, starting the day after Halloween, only Christmas music is played. I cry everytime I hear "Ava Maria" or "O Holy Night"

A genuine smile from a stranger or my father!

A grandchild running into my arms the moment we see each other.

Christmas lights on my house when there are no bulbs burned out!

Driving away from the Post Office after I have mailed my Christmas cards!!!!

The smell of Christmas trees when I walk into the Grocery Store!

Unexpected company from dear friends or our children!

Unplanned activites! ex: Dickens Christmas Festival with my granddaughters in St. George

Planned activities that were better than you could of imagined! ex: "The Forgotten Carols Christmas Concert" with Tiffany, Jessica and Kourtney

The FOOD!! What a treat to come home and find a plate of some yummy goodness for me to devour!

Participating in the Ward Choir at Christmas time. Even though I have no real musical talent to speak of....I just love being surrounded by people who do, and singing those beautiful words. Sometimes, I can't get through them.

Watching my children watching their children performing at their recitals.

Witnessing pure excitement and joy over a gift given from my family.
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