Thursday, November 1, 2007

Learning from our mistakes!

2007 is coming to a close. I can't believe it! November and December are upon us. November brings to my remembrance my bounteous blessings, a wonderful husband that I love deeply and passionately, twelve awesome children, sixteen glorious grandchildren and one on the way in March and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. December certainly reminds me of my Savior, Jesus Christ and all that encompasses. Focusing on the birth of Christ can be quite challenging for me at Christmas time with the continued growth of our family, but I intend to do my best this year to keep in line with the true meaning of His birth.
For me personally this past year, I have experienced great joy with answered prayers, an AMAZING and loving family (I could go on forever about each one of them!) and witnessing truth transform lives for the better. There has been pain as well. The sudden passing of my mother, the injury of a dear friend in a Glider Plane accident, sickness of loved ones and painful choices by those I love.
Since our children have all grown and married wonderful people for me to love, I have taken on the world of Photography and Photo Shop in earnest. It's a passion that has been on the back burner since Junior High, but now I have the privilege, not to mention the support of a great husband to go for it! I love to capture history in a moment of time! Mistakes have been made and lessons learned. That's life! It's all about learning from our mistakes!!