Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Grandpa Stout

Hey everyone! Your Grandpa Stout is feeling extremely lonely and forgotten! I think he is understandably depressed. I know your lives are busy to the max, but if you could each make a phone call to Grandpa once a week, it lifts his spirits incredibly. I went over to his house on Saturday and all he could talk about was who called him since Grandma died. I don't know how much longer we will have him, so let's take advantage of this time. I wish you could all remember the days when he was %100 Handsome Harold! He was energetic, fun and the life of every party . Since he got in that recliner, he has been a different man, and then of course, Grandma's death! He is down to 148 lbs and looking very frail and sad! It breaks my heart. If all of his grandkids could give him a call weekly, that would be fantastic!! His home phone number is: 801-294-7626


Stephie said...

Consider it done!

Mama Beus said...

We will do it!!

Unknown said...

I will definitely do that! We can be lonely together! You are such an amazing daughter, wife, sister, aunt, friend, grandma and MOTHER!!

Tristen said...

Sounds like a plan! Thanks for the phone number.