Monday, January 19, 2009

Den and Kat to Tucson, Arizona!

Dad invited me on one of his golf trips! Thought it would be a blast to get out of the freezing snowy gloomy Utah and say hello to the sun and absorb some Vitamin D, and I was correct! We were invited by Dave and Gayla Corn, (Dave served with Dad in the Bishopric years ago in the single adult ward) to stay in a lovely condo (free of charge by the way). Two other couples, Mark and Linda Zobrist and Mitch and Kim Olsen, joined us and stayed in another condo a few miles away. Mostly we hung out, ate at delicious restaurants, shopped a little and learned how to play Canasta (I think that is how it's spelled). I enjoyed visiting with the gals, taking walks around the neighborhoods where the maintenance free yards are plentiful, the jack rabbits run wild, and I even saw two wild boars aka "Havalinas"! Dad's spirits were soaring with his golfing therapy sessions! It was hard to say goodbye to the sun!! But, we love our bed!
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Unknown said...

short sleeve shirts and a chocolate depot, I am soooooooo jealous.

Kim said...

How fun. From the pictures it looks like you found some places that were pretty dear to your heart!

The one of Dennis is great. At second glance, it sort of looked like the saw was (even though I knew it wasn't) going through his head!

Kathryn said...

It does look like the saw is going through his head! I should of picked up on that!

Tristen said...

Did someone say chocolate??