Sunday, March 22, 2009

Draper Temple Dedication

A tremondous opportunity for our family--Den and I were invited to be in the temple during the dedication of the Draper Temple, along with our adult children. Dennis and I were asked to serve on one the Committees to help with the Open House. Approximately 700,000 people visited the temple during the Open House. We were able to help with Spanish tourist. We enjoyed our time in the temple. Three of the six couples were able to get off work on a Friday afternoon and accompany us for the dedication. Since it was March 20th and Tiffany's birthday, Chad finished up work early and brought his beautiful wife all the way from Spanish Fork. Travis, Kim, Treavor and Sara were able to get off work and secure babysitters. Adam and Tristen were ready to come, but due to an accident in which their precious little Redd's arm got broken and dislocated, they were unable to attend at the last minute. Stephen and Tara went with the Sansom family on Sunday, since Steve was unable to get off work Friday afternoon, and Clay and Telisa had some lame excuse like living in Cleveland or something like that! We enjoyed the most beautiful weather, and we were blessed to get a glimpse of the Prophet and President Uchtdorf as they walked into the Celestial Room. We were seated in a Sealing Room. After the dedication, we assembled at "Chili's" in Riverton for a celebration dinner in honor of the birthday girl. Adam, Tristen, Pyper and Redd, along with Steve, Tara, their kids and the Beus' kids joined us there. It was heart wrenching to see baby Redd all wrapped up in an ace bandage. We wore out two Servers, but it was fun to walk away from that mess!
A blessed memory for our family!
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Unknown said...

Again, we so would of loved to be there. That is a once in a lifetime experience Dad and you had! I love it!

Tristen said...

I am still sad we missed it. Poor Redd.