Monday, August 24, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Dedication

Kim's prayer was answered when she was called to be a member of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Dedication Choir! They performed at the final session in the Celestial Room for the first Presidency, as well as, all those who were in attendance by satelite. Dennis and I accompanied Sabrina, Whitley and Bailey to their Stake Center where the girls excitedly and emotionally watched their talented mom. The plan was after the meeting and a yummy dinner made by all the Peters, we were going to take family pictures, as well as, Morgan's birthday photos. Kim particularly wanted some shots of the family at the Temple. Everything was going as planned except for the rain storms that showed up and quite literally put a damper on things. I got a few shots of Morgan before it started to pour. About an hour later, we drove to the temple and had about a 15 minute window between the dark clouds and rain showers! So, this is session one. Look for session two photos next week, if the weather cooperates!
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