Monday, January 11, 2016

Family Conference- June 4-6 2015

       In October of 2014, our inspired Stake President asked each family in our Stake to have a Family Conference in the following year in lieu of Youth Conferences.  He proposed that the theme be Family History.  The hardest part, by far, was finding a date that our entire family, excluding our missionary grandson, could participate for three days and two nights.   Miracle number one:  The date was set for June 4-6 2015!  Miracle number two:  We found a place that could house all 38 of us!  Summit Lodge in Brian Head, Utah.
       Next, Telisa created a family logo which I had made into T-Shirts for everyone.  From there, Dennis and I assigned each family a set of grandparents to learn about and present to the rest of the group during our conference.  After each presentation, I had made little baseball size cards with the name, picture. birth and death dates, to give to each grandchild.  The goal was by the end of the conference; they would have collected all the cards and would have learned stories and lessons fro each grandparent.
        Next, we gave each grandchild a notebook with a blank family tree for them to fill out, an Ancestor Bingo Game, A Name Your Ancestor Game, A Thumbprint family tree and a plastic sheet to house all the cards they had collected.
        The Lodge provided a huge kitchen for us to prepare our own meals, a large comfortable family room and a giant dining room table that sat 24 people.  There was plenty of time to enjoy the beauty of Southern Utah.  The lodge provided a variety of activities, some still in progress.  Rope courses, hot tubs, Paint Balling, Bow and Arrow shooting, beautiful hikes.  Some of the kids went four wheeling.  However, my favorite activity was our testimony meeting the last night around the camp fire.  Each family member, including the very youngest, voluntarily shared their feelings and testimony.  We could not have created an environment at any other time or place where this miracle could have happened.

The Tristen Pose!!

This mom is ready for battle!

Treavor stealing a kiss!

Grace, Trinity, Jes, Sabrina, Telisa, Clay, Tristen, Pyper


Stephie said...

Awesome!! Thank you for posting these!!! :)