Friday, March 28, 2008

Bodie Dennis VanLeeuwen is finally here!!

I've tried for two days to get the 100 pics I took of the birth experience on our family web page, but have been unsuccessful.  I tried at the hospital, the college and now at an internet cafe in town.  So out of 100 pics, here are a few of my favorites.  More to come, as soon as I can figure out Telisa's Mac!  It was an amazing event in Clay and Telisa's life, not to mention their entire families!!  Bodie is beautiful and perfect--we all couldn't be more happy!!  Enjoy a few pics for now everyone!


Tristen said...

There are no pictures! I am dying!!!!! They are not working. Try posting on Telisa's blog because I can NEVER get yours to open anything but the side things, it never opens your posts.

Tristen said...

Well, I am at the VL's and I saw the pictures for about one minute, but then they went away! I called Mike in to see them and nothing. ARGHH!!! But what I did see was awesome! I love it, he is so stinking cute!!

Mama Beus said...

We're dying here!! I can't see the pictures also! Are you just teasing us!

Mikel said...

Yes, my dad came to the concert with us. But I couldn't get my stubborn little bro out there!

As far as your pictures...I am FAR from being the pro but there are few things that I know of that could be causing the problems...some of that depends on how you post them. Do you upload them from your computer hard drive or from an internet photo site?

It could also be a matter of your daughters having internet filters. When I was in Utah staying at my in -laws they have internet filters on their computers and I noticed I couldn't see your pictures there either (I also couldn't see a lot of the stuff from my own site from their house either). Do you know if any of them have filters?