Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Walker Family

I would have to say the highlight of the entire trip was being with the Walker family! We met the Walker Family on our mission in Mexico. They were in our Ward and Victor served as Dennis' Counselor in the Mission Presidency. The four brothers, Alan, Chris, Alex and Hernan were and are very dear friends of Travis and Treavor. Alan lives in Mexico now with his wife and the rest of the family lives in Argentina. During this trip they completely overwhelmed us by canceling all their personal plans and showing us all the best sights of Buenos Aires as well as, seeing to all our personal needs each day. Victor showed up at the airport to pick us up--no one knew he was coming, not even his children. This was significant because he was in a horrible car accident that day after we left our mission 17 years ago. He suffered sever head trauma and was not expected to live. He was blessed, however and through prayers, the Priesthood, love of a wonderful family and perseverance he not only survived, he learned how to walk and talk (in two languages no less). When we saw him at the airport, Dennis and he embraced through their tears of joy!
Dennis, Travis, Kim and I were so impressed by the Walker Family's compassion, unconditional love and generosity not only to us but to each other. They all live in close proximity and get together daily for Mate and Fracturas (pastries) . Meals are six times a day, dinner is served around 10 to 11 o'clock at night! It was especially fun to meet and get to know the wonderful wives of Chris, Alex and Hernan. Ella, Kaylene and Natalia made us feel like family. The Walkers also have a daughter, Cynthia. She has down syndrome and has struggled with health issues. As we ate dinner one night she drew a picture of the Savior and Dennis. She told me she knew Jesus, He had saved her life when she was in the hospital for three months in Mexico near death's door. We love and adore the Walker Family!! Thanks for your tremendous example and love!


Unknown said...

Wow Mom, that is so cool. I didn't remember that Brother Walker had his accident on the day we left.