Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ten Reasons Why I Love Travis Aaron!!

1. Because he married Kim and made her my daughter!
2. Because he is my first born and gave me the blessing and joy of being a mother!
3. Because he always looks out for the unnoticed, the hurt or troubled.
4. Because he makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world!!
5. Because he is a genius at computer technology!
6. Because of his willingness to give help when needed!
7. Because he served an honorable mission and has maintained his testimony.
8. Because he has given this family five amazingly beautiful girls!
9. Because he is a fantastic dad!!
10. Because of his love and devotion to his lovely and praiseworthy wife!


Tristen said...

Number 11, because he can rock it out with his daughters and play any game there is with them.
Happy Birthday Travieso!

Unknown said...

#12- He lets me beat him at Nerts. . . sometimes and always is up for an adventure!! I love you big bro!!

Mama Beus said...

#13 - because he is always the first one to call me on my birthday!! Thanks for being such a great big brother! I love you! Happy Birthday!

Tara said...

# 14 I love Travis because he is always full of energy and full of laughter. Happy birthday Bro. you da bomb.