Wednesday, August 13, 2008

10 Reasons Why I Love Cade Michael!

1. He has his mother's deep brown eyes!
2. He asks lots of questions.
3. He is sponge for information!
4. He always tells me "Guess what? I love you Grandma!" and "You're the best!"
5. He loves wrestling with his dad and helping his mom!
6. His intensity when he is learning something new.
7. His desire to follow his daddy's example.
8. His laugh!
9. His beautiful face!
10. When he calls Pyper his "pretty girl"!
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Unknown said...

#11 He is Bodie's "devil" cousin and that kid should have a recorder on him for all the funny things he says!

BTW. . his eyes are "chlocolate" brown

Tristen said...

Love it! Thanks Mom. I read the list to Cade and he loved it!