Wednesday, August 13, 2008

10 Reasons Why I Love Stephen!

1. He has a mind like a steel trap! He remembers everything!
2. He always makes me laugh!
3. He give me great hugs!
4. He is great story teller!
5. He has his priorities in order-family first!
6. He has a strong testimony of the Gospel
7. He always serves diligently where he is asked
8. He listens to his wife and shows respect for her opinions
9. He loves and the adores his three beautiful daughters and takes time to care and nuture them.
10.He loves his georgous wife with all his heart, mind and soul!
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Unknown said...

#11 He lets me bombard his life (wife) when I come into town

#12 He still calls me Seis

Tara said...

That is so sweet mom you made me cry, he is all those wonderful things and more I love him!!