Saturday, October 4, 2008

Celebrating the pending birth of Redd!



Yesterday, we had a small intimate gathering for Tristen at "Dear Lizzie", a restaurant in Highland, Utah. In twelve days Tristen will be giving birth to her fourth baby and third boy within the past five years. We are all excited and anxiously waiting to see yet another beautiful little face produced by Adam and Tristen! Cade, Luke and Pyper are ready to welcome their new little brother into their hearts and home. Adam and Tristen are feeling a little overwhelmed, but we have every confidence that they will rise up to the blessing and challenge of four children! It was especially fun to see Mikel and Lily, as well as, Tristen's good friend, Jen. Of course, we missed our dear Telisa and we would love to have had Stephanie make a surprise visit! We all took turns holding Owen Howard!aka (mini Treavor) Redd William Van Leeuwen is being named after his Grandpa Peters' long line of Redd descendants.
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Stephie said...

I so wish I had been there!!!!!!! You have no idea. Can't wait to meet Redd and Owen and Lily!!

Tristen said...

Thank you for the shower everyone! Redd's duvet cover was waiting for me when I got home - perfect timing UPS. It looks fabulous! Thank you for getting that for me. Thank you for taking the time to come have girls afternoon out, it was perfect!

Kim said...

It was fun!! Thank you!!