Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Face Lift!!!





...NO, not me! (although, I have been told recently I could use a few hundred injections of botox in my face!!? NO THANKS!) My bedroom. Having the desire to constantly improve and update, but seriously lacking the funds to do so, I usually head to my sewing machine or tap into some mild creativity given to me by my Grandma Smith, I find a way to change things up a bit. This time, I sewed some new pillows for my bed with fabric made of drapery panels I purchased at Target, as well as, some fabric purchased at a Discount Fabric store called Home Fabrics! Also, I took the red trim off my drapes and replaced it with gold and black trim! Took some of my old furniture out of my room and replaced it with other pieces from my office and family room. Just a few minor adjustments, but I love it and I am pretending I just purchased a very expensive new bedroom set! In my kitchen, I wanted to put tile above my countertop. That idea was vitoed after the quotes came in, so for $80 I wallpapered! Not my first choice, but what can you do? The old paper had been there for 16 years--time for a change! Next up, I took a little money that I had earned from my Kathryn's Photography and purchased some beautiful black and gold fabric at Home Fabrics and am having this sweet man from Mexico recover two very comfortable, but fabrically challenged chairs that will eventually go into my family room. Someday, maybe I will be able to sit in a room and not look around and figure out a way to make it better! It's a sickness!
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Unknown said...

It's beautiful! Can't wait to see it! I so wish I could sew like you! And decorate like you! And take pictures like you! And cook like you!! Ok. . . I want to be like you!

Stephie said...

Ditto what Cees said! It all looks gorgeous. If you feel the need to take your sickness to my house feel free. It is a completely blank (and I mean blank) canvas! I love the wallpaper in the kitchen and your bedroom matched your blog! Way to go!

Tristen said...

If that is a sickness, where can I get it? You are amazingly talented. I am constantly amazed by how you beautify everything you come in contact with - I'm thrilled with leftover pieces you have, they are so beautiful. You house is amazing - it's my dream house. I love all of the changes!

Kim said...

Way to go, Kat!! I love that you found a way to make things better by sheer talent and creativity!! "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." Whomever coined that phrase would be so proud of you!!

Mama Beus said...

Love all the changes! I agree with Tris, I have a mild case of that same sickness, I just don't have the talent to make it all come together! Thanks for your help this week redoing my girls' rooms. I will post pics as soon as I get it all done, should be sometime around Christmas!!