Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thankful Sabbath!

It's been two weeks since I posted my last "Thankful Sabbath", so as they say on "Dancing With The Stars" (yes, I admit I watch it!) here are the top thirteen reasons, in no particular order, for me to be thankful:

1. My wrist surgery went well, and I have less pain than I have had all year!

2. Experiencing morning scripture study with the Peters' Girls this past week--they know 24 hymns in Spanish and their Scriptures are used and worn, evidence of daily study.

3. Treavor and Sara dropping by on Sunday to show us how well Owen is walking now! It's especially endearing because after about 3 or 4 steps, he burst into laughter!! He is happiness in motion!

4. Getting a phone call Saturday night by Tiffany inviting me over to Tristen's house for the purpose of sewing Halloween costumes! Tristen and Tiffany have taken on very elaborate Princess costumes for their daughters! I remember those days! I made it until after midnight!! Are you proud girls? They were going to pull an all nighter!

5. Women's Conference at some random chapel, Dinner at Zupa's, Ice Cream at 31 Flavors and Shopping with Tara, Tristen and Sara--FUN night!! Laughing is my favorite!!

6. Receiving a cute new Halloween decoration made by Tristen!!!

7. Gunnar sharing with me that he finished reading the entire Book of Mormon!

8. Receiving an excited phone call from Telisa telling me that Bodie can say: Grandpa, Jesus and Ball!

9. Sabrina's volleyball game! She's quite the blocker!

10. Unexpected sleepover Saturday night with Sabrina and Whitley. Grandpa brought them here after the BYU game!

11. Listening to Mylee break out in song and dance! So cute!!!

12. General Conference Weekend! talks by Elder Bednar, President Uchdorf, President Holland and President Monson!!!!!!! There was more that I loved, but those hit home!!!

13. Watching Dennis spend time with his sons! After Priesthood Session they came back here, barbecued some steaks, corn on the cob, watched Football and Movies!


Tristen said...

Those are some good reasons to be happy! Did the boys make a mess at your house? Tiffany and I were worried that you didn't make it home. We were worried. It was fun, but we didn't make it past 3:00 and didn't get very far.

Unknown said...

Wow Mom!!! Those are some amazing things to be grateful for!!! I just love my family and wish you would just get here already!

Stephie said...

Love this post! Does Bodie say those words all at once in that order? Grandpa Jesus Ball! Ha! So cute! LOVE YOU ALL!!

Sara said...

Great list!!
You're a busy women.

Mama Beus said...

Great list mom! Tris & I were so grateful to came and helped us out!