Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday!! 2010

As you probably all know who read this post, I am not a big sports fan, but my FAMILY is! So anyone who wanted to watch the big game on Grandpa Den's new TV was invited to come and enjoy the game along with lots and lots of food! Quick rundown: we missed the Beus', Kim, Whit and Mylee, the Cleveland Van Leeuwens and Adam! Tara was feeling very pregnant, Owen loves to move it, move it, the dress up clothes are a hit for my little princesses, I remembered why I stopped buying red soda pop and the Saints won!
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Stephie said...

I can't think of anyone else that would be more fun to watch the Superbowl with than you guys!! I freakin' love you all so much! And the basement looks AMAZING!!!!! xo

Unknown said...

Love the recap Mom!!! Tara looks pretty miserable. I am curious to know who everyone was cheering for. Our super bowl party was completely out of control. . . lots of screaming kids as well, sick pregnant people and about 5 people playing dad to Bodie. . . super fun. I think I watched about 2 minutes of the whole game.

Tristen said...

Everyone was cheering for the Colts, except for me. Adam told me to cheer for the Saints cuz that's who he wanted. Mostly I was chasing my kids and eating. It was way fun.

Anonymous said...

So sorry we missed it, but it was a big bummer of a game for us. We left our friends house early! My boys are poor losers!

Mama Beus said...

Oops that was me not Kourtney