Sunday, September 16, 2012


 The final Yard Prep--laying sod, planting shrub, installing the basketball standard, assembling the Chaise Lounges!  Getting pretty excited!!!

Filling up the pool!!!  It took 3 1/2 days!!
                               THE GRAND OPENING OF THE FROCTIFYING POOL!!!

Giving my family a swimming pool was a dream come true for me!!!  I inherited a little money when my father passed away, so I used the money to fulfill that dream.  Growing up my father had a word he invented when something was truly wonderful or spectacular and that word was FROCTIFYING!!  Hence the name of the pool.   The joy I have received watching my husband, children and grandchildren frolicking in the pool has been an awesome experience!!!!  A HUGE THANK YOU  to my sweet and supportive Dennis for his daily work preparing the yard for three months morning and night.  And thank you to the entire family who gave all the time they could with the amazing transformation of our yard this summer!! And lastly thank you father!!!