Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ten Reasons Why I Love Sara Bell!

1. Because she has 100 reasons why she loves my son, Treavor!
2. Because she has a style all her own.
3. Because she has confidence in herself.
4. Because she is like one of my daughters!
5. Because of her spirituality
6. Because she brings out the best in others
7. She is a good listener and is always interested in what you are doing.
8. She always shows gratitude
9. I love her laugh
10.Because she is giving me another beautiful grandchild!!


Mikel said...

I didn't know Sara and Treavor were having a baby! When?! How exciting!

Kathryn said...

They are having a baby in September!!! If it's a boy, it will be our first Peters' boy grandchild out of 18 grandkids. No pressure Treavor!

Tara said...

Ditto to all you said, Kathryn. I also love Sara's childlike joy that she finds in the smallest things. I love that. It is very refreshing and it is a quality I hope to have someday.

Tristen said...

I was thinking the other day, I hope Sara and Treavor have a girl. He is the best listener and really understands women. I think he is the only man I know who truly understands women. That would so be wasted on a boy. But I'm SURE he would be an amazing dad to a baby boy too. Go Cougars right!

Unknown said...

#11- She always wants to have fun and play games or watch movies even if she isn't interested in it!! Plus, in high school I used to think that there were no girls out there good enough for my brother, but she proved me WRONG! Thank you Sara Bell!

sara said...

Thank you so much everybody!! i'm so blessed to be in such a kind and loving family. Kathryn you are the best mother in law anyone could ask for. Thank you so much for making every occasion and birthday a special and happy one!! i love you all!