Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ten Reasons Why I Love Tara Janae!

1. Because she helps me find the humor in life and I love to laugh!
2. Because she gathers friends where ever she goes!
3. Because of her giving heart and testimony!
4. Because she freely expresses herself!
5. Because she is always thoughtful of the needs of others.
6. Because she is a nurturing and loving mother!
7. Because she always finds ways to serve others beyond her church callings.
8. Because she is an amazing, supportive and loving wife! ( I know Steve would agree)
9. Because every minute with her is a blessing in my life and always has been.
10.Because she gave me three beautiful and unique grand daughters that I love and cherish!


Tara said...

Thank you so much Mom you made me cry. That was very sweet, I am excited about our special day. Love you lots. Tara

Tara said...

I love that you started this great tradition. I echo all you said, plus I love that Tara is a "Clean freak". I'm just a clean freak wanna-be. Maybe someday. . .maybe not!

Kim said...

OK, weird. I left that last comment from my computer at my house.


Unknown said...

#11- Hello! She is Tara Janae. . . what is not to absolutely love???? And she works miracles with hair!