Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our First Baptism!

As you know, Dad and I have been serving a mission in the Hispanic Intiative for almost two years now. We have been involved with many baptisms, but last Saturday evening was our first baptism that we were able to participate in from start to finish. We started teaching the mother and daughter, Obdulia and Anna Rocha, but they are not ready for baptism. However, Salvador, the husband, who missed the first couple of lessons because he was always working, but was always showing up at Church and FHE, came up to Dennis two weeks ago after Sacrament Meeting and said, "I want to get baptized next Saturday!" We were very excited, needless to say! He asked Dad to baptize him, which of course, he agreed, but due to the delay of our plane in Dallas, we arrived to the Baptism just as Salvador was walking to the font. But Dad was able to confirm him the following day at Church. The Spirit is strong with that family and we feel very blessed to have met them.
Thank you to Adam for doing some free dental work on Obdulia, and thank you to Treavor who went with me one night for Missionary Night Out and bore his testimony to the family!

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Unknown said...

That is awesome Dad and Mom!! That has to be one of the best feelings in the world!

Mama Beus said...

How wonderful for you guys and for this family!

Tara said...

MOM I wish I could be doing something like that, I am sure the spirit is so strong when you are doing missionary work.