Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ten Reasons Why I Love Luke Richard!


1. He melts my heart when he gets real close to my face and talks for about five minutes without stopping for a breath to share something very important!!! (most of the time I am not quite sure what he is saying, but it's so cute)
2. His tender heart!
3. When he calls his baby sister, Pyper, "My pretty girl"!
4. The look on his face when his mom or dad tells him to stop sucking his thumb!
5. His big brown eyes! So far his mom has given them to all her children!
6. The space between his teeth compliments of Grandpa Dennis.
7. How he cuddles up next to me.
8. When he doesn't want me to leave him.
9. How he loves his big brother Cade!
10. The way his face lights up when his daddy comes home from work!
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Unknown said...

#11 How much he loves his COUSIN BODIE!!